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Account management

Upgrade the subscription plan


Upgrade the subscription plan

Upgrade the subscription plan

You can upgrade the subscription plan for an account, without any impact to the service. You can upgrade the plan to the level of your own plan, but not to a higher level plan. For example, if you have the STA plan, you can upgrade an account to the STA plan, but not to STA Premium. If you have the STA Premium plan, you can update an account to either STA or STA Premium.

  1. On the STA Token Management console, select the On-Boarding tab.

  2. Select the account.

  3. Expand the Services module.


  4. Select the Plan and then select Save.

View subscription plans

You can view the subscription plans for the accounts in your account hierarchy.

  • On the STA Token Management console, select Virtual Servers > Manage.


You can also view the subscription plans where your accounts are listed:

  • Dashboard > Accounts

  • On-Boarding > List Accounts

  • Virtual Servers > List Accounts

  • Account Summary report
